Saturday 26 January 2013


I recently purchased Terraria from Steam on sale for $2.50!! The cheapest computer game I have ever boughten. The game is like minecraft but much cheaper, with similar ideas of mining, crafting but Terraria is 2D and minecraft is 3D. I think the monsters and loot in Terraria is better too. Give the game a try, its great!

Let me know who comes here

Hey, I would like to know if people are looking at my blog. If you come across my blog, please write a comment below this post with a helpful suggestion of how I can improve my new blog. Thanks!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Planetary Annilation

I'd say this game looks more fun than Castle story. The funding was sucessful so I can go buy the game later(I missed the kickstarter for this game too). This is an RTS game where you build armies and collect resources, the typical RTS game. But there is a catch! You can travel from planet to planet or even bombard planets! That is a really cool idea that I'm sure will excite a lot of gamers to buy and try this game.

Castle Story

This game looks pretty fun, too bad I missed the kickstarter. The object of this game is to build a castle and then defend it with the litltle yellow people against some evil creatures. The game looks ok now but I can imagine a whole lot of ways this game could and probably will be updated. I'm sure new enemies and minions will be made, new maps created and new game modes to try. Stay tuned for the next game review: Planetary Annilation...

Monday 21 January 2013

Another terminator

Another terminator of the squad. Also not 100% finished with no basing. I will post new photos of the completed models of the squad when it is complete. This photo is a bit too dark though.

Space Marine Terminator

Finally! A good quality photo! This is my first time removing the backbround of a picture so that you can really see the model. One of my assault on black reach terminators, they are all almost done. This model still needs to be based and have a few highlights on the cloth, bolter, etc.

Ork Deffkopta

My ork deffkopta I have been working on.
 January 2013